Quality is a value we guarantee. If you receive package from us that is damaged or defective, please contact the Lime Team with your:
- Order ID
- Description of the issue
- Clear product photos that show the extent of the damage on all sides.
- Photos that clearly show the outer packaging, including the shipping label.
Once a Lime Team member has received and approved your claim, you will be eligible for a free reorder or a full refund.
Cases of defects:
- Print issues like ink spits or scratches
- Product issues like a warped or bowed print, or media flaws that exceed 1/8” in size.
- Shipping issues like damaged or lost in transit.
At Lime&Lou each item is uniquely made for our customers and for
environmental reasons we don’t create any unnecessary stock.
- This is why personalized items cannot be exchanged or refunded.
- Non-personalized items can be returned and exchanged within 60 days and are subject to a 50% return fee.
Please contact a member of the Lime Team to guide you through the steps.
At Lime&Lou, each item is uniquely made for our customers and we start
production straight away.
Please let us know up to 1 hour after placing
your order that you want to cancel it. After 1 hour cancellations are no
longer possible. To cancel your order, please
contact The Lime Team.
Cancellations will be processed on the day we receive your cancellation
It may take up to 6 weeks for the refund to return to the
account you used to purchase your items.
Lime & Lou reserves the right to make any amendments to this policy at any time. Notification of any changes will be published on this page.
If you have further inquiries about this or other policies, please contact the Lime Team.