Lime & Lou's Cookie Policy
The short version:
When you use the Lime & Lou site, cookies (not the delicious kind) are saved on your computer information about your activity. We use this information on your next visits to make your experience better. It also helps us improve our marketing efforts.
You can choose not to have cookies saved, but then you’ll miss out on some great site features.
The full version:
Cookies are tiny pieces of information stored on your computer or device. We use cookies to show you personalized products and services and make your experience quick and seamless.
The information collected in the cookies includes customers' browsing behavior and purchase history, for example:
- How a customer arrived at our site.
- Which pages they viewed.
- What items they put in their shopping bag and purchased.
Cookies don't record personal information, such as your name, address, or payment information.
Cookies also help us monitor sales, campaigns, and other activities. This way, we can create effective advertisements targeted to people with specific interests. By browsing Lime & Lou, you consent to the placement of cookies on their computer.
Customers can disable cookies through their browsers' settings.
Note that some features on the Lime & Lou site won't be available to you if you disable your cookies.